A proud heritage, an extraordinary future 

Home   About Us Generating a new
Leadership Workshop
Conventions for the Future Connections/
Calendar/ Links  
About Us About Us
You Make The Difference Our Mission/Home
You Make The Difference  You make the
You Make The Difference Critical Mass
A Framework for fulfillment Framework for fulfillment
News of Appreciation  Detail 1
News of Appreciation  Detail 2
You Make The Difference Site Map       

Media Coverage

Radio coverage Radio
TV coverage TV
Print coverage Print

OD coverage Utica OD  1-19-06 
OD coverage Utica OD  3-29-06 
Blog mentions Blog mentions

Community Conversations Community Conversations
News of Appreciation What to say to a friend  What others have said:
News of Appreciation  Chuck T   
News of Appreciation  Frank M
News of Appreciation  Judy O
News of Appreciation  Jackie M
News of Appreciation  Peter M  
What to day to a friend  Peter M 2    
Enroll in Breakthrough CNY Taking a stand - enroll in BCNY
About Us What we are proud of:
Boilermaker   Boilermaker  
News of Appreciation   News         

The Breakthrough Leadership Workshop October 2005
Leadership Workshop February 2007 Leadership

see Calendar
More workshop info More info  
About Us LEBD (Vanto Group)
Please sign up for free informational evening Informational Mtgs.  see  Calendar
Quotes from Participants Quotes from participants

Spin offs from workshop
For Arts Sake For Arts Sake
For Arts Sake Art on the Run
News of Appreciation About   
News of Appreciation Gallery   
News of Appreciation Sponsors   
News of Appreciation Artists 
News of Appreciation Press Release  
For Arts Sake Fall in Love with Your Community Workbook
Utica Community Convention for the Future Launch event at MVCC 
Utica Community Convention for the Future  Attributes of
Utica Community Convention for the Future  How we are doing.

Utica Community Convention for the Future  Attribute 1 

Attributes of  Attribute 2   

Attributes of  Attribute 3   

Attributes of  Attribute 4   

Attributes of  Attribute 5   

Attributes of  Attribute 6  

Attributes of  Attribute 7  

Attributes of  Attribute 8  

Attributes of  Attribute 9    

Attributes of  Attribute 10 
Utica Community Convention for the Future David Beurle's
web site
Utica Community Convention for the Future David Beurle in CNY
About Us  Utica Community Visioning event
Utica Community Vision Utica Community Vision
Utica Community Vision  Follow through
About Us   Waterville Community
visioning event
Waterville Area Community Vision Waterville Community Vision
Waterville Area Community Vision Town of Webb Community Vision
Upcoming Conventions for the Future   Next events:  Valley Communities, Kayahoora Valley, Dolgeville Area

Getting Involved Getting Involved
Events Calendar Events Calendar
CNY Links
CNY Links
Other Communities Making Things Happen Community Transformation work elsewhere
Making it Happen in Wisconsin  Making it Happen in Wisconsin
About Us Contact Us
See contact info
at bottom of each page.

Home About Us Generating a new
Leadership Workshop
Conventions for the Future Connections/
Calendar/ Links  

This website is a work in progress.   It is intended as a vehicle to communicate the possibility of transformation for ourselves and our community and the power that is available out of our relationship.  As our vision grows clearer, and as we delvelop our capacities to fulfill on that vision the path that we take will also begin to be clear.    You can help to define that path.

The items marked with white circle circle  need attention and work.   Our all volunteer  group is working to keep up with t he ever increasing amount of  activity.    If you'd like to assist our efforts in your own way - please contact us and let us know.

It you are involved with Breakthrough Central New York and or the Conventions for the Future and know of material that should be on this site and have access to it, please contact webmaster Peter Michel so we can include it:  peter
Contact Breakthrough Central New York, at
315-724-0583  or
                                                          Site Map
Home/Our Vision   You Make the Difference   Enroll Here   The power of Critical Mass
EVENTS   News   What to say to a friend   LINKS to Central New York resources
Breakthrough Leadership Workshop   Spirit of the Boilermaker  Convention for the Future

Posted 4-7-2006   updated  7-21-2007  (12-6-09)