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Art on the Run runners



The Art on the Run Project is committed to having 30 runners sponsored for the 2008 season. You as an artist are eligible to submit a creative and clever design and be one of the 30 artists selected to decorate a runner.

 When selected as an artist for the Art on the Run Project you will be responsible for the painting and/or decorating of the 5’ 8” male or the 5’ 4” female runner and your design shall cover a minimum of 95% of the fiberglass body. 

Benefits for the artists

If you are selected you will be one of the

30 artists chosen in 2008 to paint on this life size runner. Your name will be included in our on going public relations campaign where you will be recognized throughout the region. You will receive exposure during receptions, parties, press releases, and other marketing efforts. 

For more information about becoming an artist please call ------  or email ------

This site is no longer active and is here for historical interest.

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Posted 07-11-07   updated 07-21-2007   (12-05-09)