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Art on the Run runners


Press Release: For Immediate Release                Contact: ------
 July 2, 2007                                                       (project is no longer active)

Life Size Art Figure to be Unveiled!

Friday July 6 & Saturday July 7, 2007    
Boilermaker Health & Fitness Expo

 The first two in a series of art figures symbolizing the spirit of our regional community will be unveiled Friday and Saturday July 6 and 7. The life size forms will be unveiled during the 30th Boilermaker Health & Fitness Expo at the Masonic Home Campus on Bleeker Street in East Utica.

The figures depict two runners, one man and one woman. During the Boilermaker they be placed along the race route to allow the community to see them with the “real” runners passing by.

 The Global Runner designed by Daniel Buckingham is sponsored by Earle Reed. The Regional Runner designed by David “RC” Oster is co-sponsored by CLT Architects & Poncell Construction Inc.

 “It is amazing to actually see the runners almost complete. Less than a year ago, this was all just a vision an idea in our head” said Kelly Pawloski one of the Art on the Run team members.

The two cast figures were produced by CowPainters Inc. They have helped communities nation wide adopted the forms of animals to strengthen their identity through art. The Art on the Run Project will be the first to use a runner form tying together the arts, health and fitness, and the support of our local businesses and communities Next year the Art on the Run team will expand the series of figures that would be placed throughout the region with sponsorship from local businesses and individuals. Providing an opportunity for artist to paint and decorate the forms. The runners will be displayed throughout our region to strength our community identity.

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Posted 07-11-07   updated 06-29-2009   (12-05-09)