A proud heritage, an extraordinary future


Generating the spirit ...

Conventions for the Future
January 18, 2006, March 28, 2006 and March 30,2006.   Community activation for an extraordinary future.  

MVCC Convention for The Future Utica Convention in March Waterville Convention in March
Launch event at MVCC in January Utica Community Convention Waterville Community Convention 

Let's have the spirit of the Boilermaker be present all year long!

The Utica Boilermaker:
One of Central New York's Signature Events

July 10, 2005.

 The Runners   The Volunteers   The Spectaters  *

The runners, the volunteers and the spectators all make the Boilermaker a spectacular sporting and community event.    Thanks to everyone for making us so proud.          Also see

566 people enrolled in Breakthrough Central New York during the Boilermaker Expo on Friday afternoon and Saturday.    Thank you for the stand that you are for an extraordinary future here in Central New York.

The Observer-Dispatch reports U.N. magazine coverage with front page headline:

 "Utica recognized as beacon for refugees"
on May 4th, 2005.

The entire current issue of the magazine "REFUGEES" put out by the United Nations High Commission on Refugees is an acknowledgement of UTICA, New York,  "The Town That Loves Refugees"

Digital Photos of Central New York's Best Face are welcome and selected photos will be posted on our website with appropriate photo credits.

*  Boilermaker photos are by Peter Michel,  Clinton, NY

Our goal is to create 25,000 aligned individuals standing for an extraordinary future for Cental New York.
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Posted 7-10-2005   updated 9-12-2006  (12-3-09)