Breakthrough Central New York and Oneida County Communities That Care have joined with many others to
launch a more expansive
visioning process with
The CONVENTION for the FUTURE on January 18th at MVCC.
This was followed by Community Conventions for the Future in Utica and Waterville at the end of March and in Old Forge in May.  Also in May was a launch event for Herkimer County.
The next step is 3

scheduled on October 2nd, 3rd and 4th for Heriker County:
The Valley Communities, Kuyahoora Valley and the Dolgeville Area
Click here for details.


This kick-off event was facilitated by David Beurle, founder and principal of Innovative Leadership of Australia ( Beurle is an international expert who has advanced community development across the United States and around the world.

picking up packets   walking in
  The main room
  Folks gather as start time nears
Picking up packets
and nametags

Moving to the main room
Folks filter in
Folks gather as the start time nears

Welcome David Beurle launches the process
Chuck Tomaselli of Breakthrough Central New York welcomes and acknowleges the participants.  He shares how this all got started. David Beurle launches the process

c David
Our attention is on the possibility of an extraordinary
future here in Central New York
David talks about the top attributes of successful regional
and shares some success stories

David small group conversations
David talks about the power of alignment and the power
of creating a supportive environment or context.
Small group conversations 

Non Alignment Alignment
When we are not aligned it seems we are often
working at cross purposes,  we can be doing great things
and yet feel stymied and frustrated
When we are aligned on a common vision - unpredicable
and extraordinary things can happen.  One thing this
community visioning process can produce is our alignment.

d feedback - voting
"Voting" on our strenths and
Creating feedback on how we are doing This simple and fun exercise tells us alot
about what we need to work on

d d
David talks about opportunities for participation as the
regional visioning process goes forward
David's energy is contagious Signing up for
the next step
Contact Breakthrough Central New York, at
315-724-0583  or
          see the results of  David's work in other communities
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Breakthrough Leadership Workshop   Spirit of the Boilermaker  Convention for the Future 

Posted 01-19-06   updated  9-22-2006  (12-6-09)

photos and webdesign by Peter Michel