A proud heritage, an extraordinary future  

There is power in what we say.
There is power in our alignment.
There is power in creating a new context for the future.
There is power in creating a critical mass of aligned individuals.

There are many things you could say - many approaches to sharing about this initiative:
You can have them look at the first page on this web site and you can look at some of the following brief comments about it from some of the folks that generated this idea.

Hi, Have you enrolled in Breakthrough Central New York yet?

It's a grass roots initiative where each of us can make a difference in transforming the future of our area by individually taking a stand.  A stand that will fulfill on the Breakthrough Cental New York's of Central New Yorkers aligned for extraordinary futures.  ....                              
- Chuck Tomaselli    (read more)

I wanted to let you know about Breakthrough Central New York.  This is a grass roots initiative to shift the conversation in our community.  Does that sound of interest to you? ....                                   - Jackie Michel    (read more)

Hi! I want to tell you about an initiative that I’ve gotten interested in because I think you’d be interested too!  ....         - Judy Owens-Manley    (read more)

Breakthrough Cental New York is a grass roots organization that was founded to effect change in the culture of thinking in the Mohawk Valley.  Central New York has always been earmarked for greatness from the time of the ice age when this beautiful Valley was first formed.  ....        - Frank Mondi    (read more)  

...  Breakthrough Central New York is a grass roots initiative to transform the community conversation about living here from one that contains quite a bit of resignation to one of appreciation, satisfaction and a stand for an extraordinary future right here. ...                           -Peter Michel    (read more)

How many of you have had the thought or said to someone in the midst of winter - "I’d like to move to someplace warm, someplace booming – not here"? How many of you have ever said or heard someone say to a newcomer: “why would anyone want to move here?   Thoughts and conversations like this are very much a part of the background conversation here in Central New York.  It is the transformation of these conversations that is the subject of my talk tonite. .... (From a 7 1/2 minute talk to the Mohawk Valley Toastmasters Club on 4/27/05)          - Peter Michel    (read more)

Our goal is to create 25,000 aligned individuals standing for an extraordinary future for Cental New York. Share this with your friends!
Contact Breakthrough Central New York, at
315-724-0583 or  
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Posted 4-28-2005   updated 9-12-2006  (12-3-09)