Have you enrolled in Breakthrough Central New
York yet? Have you heard about breakthrough Central New York
yet? Well, Breakthrough Central New York is a grass
roots initiative to transform the community conversation about living here
from one that contains quite a bit of resignation to one of appreciation,
satisfaction and a stand for an extraordinary future right here.
We’re asking folks to sign a card that says that they are willing to take
a stand that we should have an extraordinary future right here. Our
goal is to have 25,000 people sign these by the end of the year.
At some point we will have a critical mass of aligned individuals behind
this idea and that will create an unstoppable demand for it to be so.
It’s our intention that this initiative will empower what each of us is already
doing to contribute to it happening. Are you willing to add your voice
to our effort?
With the power of alignment we begin to transform what it is that we are
doing or not doing that’s not working to what will work and our extraordinary
future will unfold .