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Framework for Fulfillment

Framework for Partnership (notes)

Regional Alliance

This is the core group with a responsibility for building regional thinking and shaping the culture at a regional level. It needs to think high level, and build partnerships across the region. Specific action or focus groups may ‘spin-off’ this Regional Alliance group to address specific issues that require action. In addition, the Regional Alliance my initiate new and innovative projects to build a vibrant and aligned region – however, these would be delivered through the partner organizations. The Regional Alliance is not a new organization – it provides a hub for co-ordination, collaboration and communication at a regional level.

Regional Alliance - role and responsibility

This Regional Alliance has a key role to build a powerful partnership and alliance between key groups who share a regional perspective and organizational role. It represents a ‘self forming’ partnership of groups and organizations who share a commitment to the whole region, and have the capacity to be a key influence in building regional thinking, and provide leadership in shaping an emerging regional vision. 

Specific roles may include:

bullet  Develop a process to create a regional vision, and be then be champions for that regional vision

bullet  Build a culture of collaboration and partnership - encourage opportunities for groups and people, of    all backgrounds and interests to work together in new and innovative ways (e.g. youth café)

bullet  Facilitate the formation of special action groups on specific regional issues (e.g. co-operation           between local government groups)

bullet  Provide a focus for, and special events to build, regional thinking (e.g. Regional conferences etc)

bullet  Provide a framework for communication and co-operation between community and area action          teams – knitting everyone together into a ‘regional fabric’. 

Area Leadership Teams

These groups have similar roles to the Regional Alliance, but operate at an area or community level. These groups are most likely to emerge out of the community visioning process being used as part of the Community Conventions for the Future. Examples of names being proposed include (for example) – ‘Breakthrough Waterville’ or Waterville Initiative Leadership team. 

Specific roles may include:

bullet Promote the vision across the community, and be the 'champions for the 
vision' and that represents to the people in the community
.   bb
b Build networks across community that foster collaboration, new thinking 
and community participation in the future
b Be a catalyst for the formation of specific Action Groups that form to tackle important local
issues, & be the source of well being and encouragement for those specific action groups
b Host specific events (such as ongoing Community Conventions for the Future) to celebrate
success and keep all groups moving together towards the common vision for the future
b Provide a framework and forum for co-ordination between groups and organizations in the
community or area

An example of the way the Area leadership teams see their role is highlighted by how the Waterville team defined what they saw as their role and responsibility:

“The role of the Breakthrough Waterville Leadership Team is to champion the vision for our community created on March 30, 2006.  We will communicate this vision with individuals and groups in the Waterville area and encourage their ownership of this collective future.  We will foster a culture of participatory dreaming and decision making as we develop action teams and create organizational partnerships consistent with the vision.  We will focus on orchestrating these highly capable action teams toward the fruition of our vision.”
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Posted 04-27-06   updated   9-12-2006   (12-5-09)