A proud heritage, an extraordinary future    


Community Conversation:


A vision for the future of our area will be the topic of
a community conversation—

·      6:00p.m., Monday, November 20,  2006

New Hartford Public Library, 2 Library Lane

Phone 733-1535

The vision was created by 300 residents at the Utica Area Convention for the Future last March.

This is your chance to be heard, and to improve your community and the surrounding area —  as you want them to become.

Free admission. Open to the public. All residents, businesses, property owners, and public officials are encouraged to participate. Participants will talk in small friendly groups, share thoughts on our area, and generate ideas to strengthen our communities.

The purpose is to align people and possibilities
         to shape the future of our Central New York       region.

Topics up for discussion include—

·        The top ten characteristics of successful regional communities

·        The future of your community and the surrounding area

Key questions—

·        What are current strengths and opportunities in your community and our region?

·        How do we get from where we are today—to where you want to be?

·        What If?     What’s Next?      I will…

Utica Area Community Vision Statement

The Utica Area nurtures personally responsible citizens to engage with each other to create an all inclusive, active, healthy and proud community.

“Made in Utica” is a world renowned brand that drives an entrepreneurial environment, a flourishing small business sector and a hip-cosmopolitan downtown. The area draws people and businesses that build on the natural resources, recreational opportunities and the rich history and heritage. Utica Area is the center of sustainable energy and builds on its knowledge economy.

Created by approximately 300 residents on March 28, 2006

The intention of our community conversation is to use the present to create possibilities

for the future—not to complain about the past. We cannot change the past. We can shape the future. We can influence events in the months ahead…the year ahead…the next five years…and beyond.
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Posted 4-21-2005   updated 11-19-2006   (12-6-09)