PETER W. MICHEL, Sculptor     Sculpture in Celebration of Self, Relationship and Community
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Desktop  & Wall Mounted FISH
.These small sculptures are now available for sale as part of the fund raising efforts to support the.
public sculpture project for the Valley neighborhood of Syracuse.
Click on "Add to Cart" below to order using PayPal (or your credit card using PayPal)
.click on thumnail image for enlargement and details.
Desktop Fish 01 wood
Desktop Fish 2 - wood
Wall Mounted Fish
Desktop Fish 1 $100.00
Desktop Fish 2 $125.00
Wall Mounted Fish $100.00
Desktop Fish 1 - painted wood
Desktop Fish 2                      $125.00
painted wood,  7.3" h x 8.3"w x 5.4" d
study model 06
Study Model for "Honoring the Onondaga Creek"  See more
The story goes that the Onondaga people remember the time when the Salmon were so plentiful in the Onondaga
Creek that one could simply walk across on the creek on the backs of the fish.

The sculpture is painted aluminum 6'-7" high x 3'-0" wide x 12'-0" long.
It is set on a concrete pad 4'-6" wide x 13'-6" long x 8" thick (5" above grade)
The figure is 4'-3" tall, each fish is 3'-8" long.  The fish are 2'-10 1/2" above the concrete at the hightest point.
You can use PayPal to order desktop or wall mounted fish
and support the Valley Public Art Project
Solution Graphics      
Please contact me with your comments and questions by email at or mail at the address below.
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© 1997/2010 by Peter W. Michel                Posted  3-2-11   updated  4-28-13
 Peter W. Michel, sculptor  185 Brookside Lane Fayetteville, NY 13066  315-632-4780