Armory Square Entry Park - Site 1
CONCEPT: Provide
a “Standing Tall” type community
totem in the grassy area symbolizing
a community united in its stand for a vital, thriving world that works
for everyone.
The Museum of Science and Technology - Site 4
CONCEPT: Create a forest as a symbol of the diverse
and wondrous natural world that science seeks to explore and that we can learn
from to inform our technology.
The City Center - Site 6
CONCEPT: To create a symbol of the city as a place of
connection with a vertical form with a minimal footprint. Topped off with symbol of the Red House Theater which will have its new home within the City Center.
Onondaga Towers Facade in Bank Alley - Site 8
CONCEPT: With a wall sculpture, that shows in a suggestive
way that there is human activity in the space behind this wall.
Parking Garage Facade Facing the Pocket Park at South Warren and West Fayette Streets - Site 10
a colorful Sol LeWitt type wall drawing guided by the structure and perhaps
including images of parked vehicles to suggest the building use as well as
The Pocket Park at South Warren and West Fayette Streets - Site 11
CONCEPT: A free standing sculpture symbolizing a community nurturing the next generation. The adults standing on each other’s
shoulders provides a structure of support
- an environment conducive to a playful engagement with the world. This sculpture could be 3 modules high in
lieu of the 2 shown in center photo.
The Syracuse Civic Center - Site 15
CONCEPT: The goal is, with a minimal wall sculpture, to
portray the drama of the theater with 2 characters – one on a balcony and the
other a level below. Could it be Romeo
and Juliet?
AXA Towers Courtyard - Site 16
CONCEPT: Creating a symbol of the city as a place of
connection – a rectilinear scheme that is congruent with the paving pattern of
the courtyard as well as with the surrounding architecture.
NYNEX Building Facade - Site 18
CONCEPTS: A wall sculpture symbolizing a community
joining together to make a better place for all. Alternate CONCEPT : have folks peering out
windows in a suggestion of what’s behind
that solid brick wall.
The Garden at Grace Church - Site 20
CONCEPT: A celebration of community and family and
the blessings of both.