ARTICLES         BOOKS      
Date Source Article (click to read)
2/27/2011 The New York Times Regulation Lax as Gas Wells' Tainted Water Hits Rivers
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3/2/2011 The New York Times Waste Water Recycling No Cure-All In Gas Process
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3/3/2011 The New York Times Pressure Limits Efforts to Police Drilling for Gas
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5/17/2011 Rolling Stone The Fight Over Fracking
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6/26/2011 The New York Times Insiders Sound an Alarm Amid a Natural Gas Rush
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6/27/2011 The New York Times Behind Veneer, Doubt on Future of Natural Gas
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The New York Times A Tainted Water Well, and Concern There May Be More
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10/19/2011 The New York Times Rush to Drill for Natural Gas Creates Conflicts With Mortgages
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12/1/2011 The New York Times Learning Too Late of Perils in Gas Well Leases
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12/19/2011 Natural Resources Defence Council Staff Blog Incidents where hydraulic fracturing is a suspected cause of
drinking water contamination
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12/31/2011 The New York Times Hunt for Gas Hits Fragile Soil, and South Africans Fear Risks
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5/10/2012 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Geochemical evidence for possible natural migration of Marcellus
Formation brine to shallow aquifers in Pennsylvania
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5/15/2012 The New York Times Deadliest Danger Isn't at the Rig but on the Road
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5/2012 Chesapeake Energy Coroparation
(2nd largest producer of natural gas)
Marcellus Shale Hydraulic Fracturing - Fact Sheet
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6/11/2012 Food and Water Watch Fracking and Farming Don't Mix
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6/12/2012 Food and Water Watch Fracking and The Food System
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10/1/2012 The Nation New York's Fractivists Keep the Heat on Cuomo
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10/2012 E. Ivan  White, Staff Scientist for the
National Council on Radiation Protection
Consideration of Radiation in Hazardous Waste Produced from
Horizontal Hydrofracking
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10/9/2012 Presentation by panel of experts to officials
of NYS DEC & Department of Health
Human Health Risks & Exposure Pathways of Proposed Horizontal
Hydofracking in New York State (Summary Report)
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10/2012 Grassroots Envionmental Education Radioactive Fracking Waste - Fact Sheet
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12/2012 National Geographic Methane
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1/22/2013 Huffington Post - The Blog  - J. Mijin Cha What 204,000 Comments Say About Fracking
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2/15/2013 Huffington Post - The Blog  - Maria Rodale Natural Gas Drilling = A Future of Dependence
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Inside Climate News

Far More Methane Leaking at Oil, Gas Sites in Pennsylvania than Reported

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current EarthJustice Map and Info on "Fracidents" Across the US
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no date Enerlix (international Marketplace for
Environmental Technologies)
What is The Difference Between Natural Gas And Liquid Gas
includes info on Natural Gas vs. Methane
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no date Earthworks Hydraulic Fracturing 101
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.                    Posted 2-24-2013   updated 2-21-2018
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 Peter W. Michel, sculptor  185 Brookside Lane Fayetteville, NY 13066  315-632-4780 
