The Breakthrough

Invest in your future and the future of Central New York
Come to an informational session-free!
what past participants say
Participate in this world class program and become a positive force in the network of conversation shaping our community.

In this workshop you will connect with authentic, inspiring and committed people.
You will learn to rise above adversarial roles and bypass resistance to change.
A whole new vision of what is possible for our region will emerge.

Dates to be announced
(workshop scheduled for February has been postponed)
Times: 9 AM to 6 PM Days 1-3
            9 AM to 1 PM Day 4

Location: Hart's Hill Inn, Whitesboro, NY

To Register: Print this page,
Complete the form below and submit with $150 non-refundable check made out to Oneida County Communities that Care to:
BCNY, 1432 Genesee St.
Utica, N.Y. 13502

Fee: $ 625  early registration    $750
  • fee includes tuition, course materials, continental breakfasts, lunches, breaks and evening party
  • may be tax-deductible as professional or business expense consult your accountant
  • may be covered in part or in full by your business or organization
  • scholarship funding available by application

For more information: Call: 315-724-0583 or email:

Please register me in the Breakthrough Leadership Workshop

Name ___________________________________________________________________
                                  (last)                                             (first)

Name of company _____________________________ Position _____________________


City or Town _______________________________________ Zip code _______________

Phone (home) _________________________ Phone (work) ________________________

Email address_____________________________________________________________
$150 minimum deposit
Pay by Check: Make checks payable to: Oneida County Communities That Care ($150 minimum deposit)
Mail to: BCNY, 1432 Genesee St., Utica, NY 13502

Pay by Credit Card: ___ AMEX ___ VISA ___ MasterCard

Name (as it appears on card): _____________________________________________

Card Number: _______________________________ Expiration Date: ____________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________

updated 11/9/2006